Monday, September 27, 2010

The best tips for quitting smoking

Quitting is difficult but not impossible. Many smokers who have successfully quit smoking in a variety of different ways. Here are some tips to help you start a new page without a cigarette smoke.
  1. Understand your reasons to quit. Your decision to quit smoking is very good, but do you know why you do it? Common reasons such as "smoking is bad for health" is sometimes not enough. To make self-determination and strong motivation, you need a good reason and personal. For example, you may want to protect your family from dangerous toxins caused by cigarette smoke? Maybe you fear that lung cancer, or you want to look younger and feel healthier? Choose a strong enough reason for you to become a handle on when you face difficulties at a later date to stop smoking now.
  2. Select the appropriate therapy with your condition. You have heard of "cold turkey" long? This term is used for smokers who quit smoking in total and direct (not stream). Perhaps the way this sounds interesting, you just throw away all your cigarettes and represent that you have stopped smoking. Easy is not it? Make no mistake, the technique of "cold turkey" does not always work for everyone, because it is not easy to do. Among those who try to quit smoking without the help of therapy or treatment, as many as 95% eventually relapse to smoking. Remember, smoking addiction (addiction). Brain nicotine smokers need repeatedly to be able to concentrate properly. When there is no intake of nicotine from cigarettes (for smokers quit suddenly), nicotine withdrawal symptoms can occur, and it takes patience and a very strong motivation to fight.
  3. Talk with your doctor about smoking cessation therapy. In the market there are several products to help those who want to quit. However, products such as nicotine gum or patches are not always effective in helping you quit smoking, because this product is basically just become another source of nicotine into your body (do not reduce or stop the addiction to nicotine.) Currently available drugs have proven effective to help quit smoking. The way it works is to occupy the nicotine receptors in the brain, so when you smoke, nicotine is no longer signed to provide a sense of pleasure, and ultimately reduce your interest to smoke. In addition, this drug also helps reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms, such as depression and difficulty concentrating. To find out more information about smoking cessation therapy, including use of medication, consult with your doctor. Remember, drugs including prescription drugs, so do not use this medication without medical supervision.
  4. Do not do this struggle alone. Smokers who also feel the spirit of hard to quit smoking without the support of the environment. To quit smoking is not easy, and support and family, friends, coworkers, and other social environment is an important factor in the success of this effort. Tell your friends, family, and co-workers about your intention to quit. Their support will help you achieve success in your struggle to quit smoking. You can also join support groups or consultation with a counselor. Behavioral therapy is a type of counseling that helps you identify and implement strategies you can employ to quit smoking. Combining behavioral therapy with other therapies to improve your chances for success.
  5. Face stress wisely. One reason people smoke is because nicotine makes them feel comfortable and relaxed. When you quit smoking, you need another way to cope with stress. hurt you to try to spa for a massage therapy / relaxation, listening to soothing music, or learn yoga None. If possible, avoid situations that stress you out during your first few weeks of quitting.
  6. Avoid habits that encourage you to smoke. Some specific activities may trigger your desire to smoke. For example, the habit of drinking coffee in the morning, smoking. If you're used to, try replacing coffee with tea for several weeks. if you are accustomed to smoking after a meal, try to find other activities to do after a meal, such as brushing teeth or chewing sugar-free gum. 
  7. Clean your house. Dispose of cigarettes all the attributes such as packs of cigarettes, ashtrays, and lighters you. Wash all clothing that smells of cigarettes, and clean the carpets, curtains and other furniture made of fabric that can absorb the smell of cigarettes. Use fragrances and air fresheners to help you eliminate the smell of smoke in your home, because the smell of cigarettes will stimulate you to go back to smoking.
  8. Try and try again. Quitting smoking is not easy struggle. Not infrequently finally smokers trying to quit smoking will relapse again. Some smokers also have to try to quit several times before the end of the total and cigarettes. Try to analyze situations and moods that can trigger you to smoke again. Use this as an opportunity to reinforce your commitment to quit. Once you decide to try again, set your quit date within one month ahead.
  9. Let's exercise. Physical activity can reduce the addiction to smoking and help you cope with nicotine withdrawal symptoms. When you feel like smoking, immediately shift your energy to run, fast walking, biking or roller skates. No need to strenuous exercise, its intensity was just enough, for example, invite your pet around the neighborhood or pull weeds in your yard. The extra calories you burn will also help prevent weight gain that may occur when you quit smoking.
  10. Multiply the consumption of fruit and vegetables. Do not try to diet when you quit smoking - too many restrictions I could turn restrictions endanger your initial plan. Conversely, perbanyaklah consumption of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. A study conducted by Duke University to imply that these foods make cigarettes taste bad. This will help you fight cravings while providing the nutrients needed to fight disease.
  11. Select your gift. In addition to providing great health benefits, one of the benefits of quitting smoking is that you can save money that is usually used to buy cigarettes. Reward yourself by buying something you like from some of the money you save.
  12. Do this for your health. In a short time, stop smoking immediately to provide health benefits for you. Blood pressure and heart rate which is reduced within 20 minutes after quitting. Within a day, levels of oxygen and carbon monoxide in the blood returns to normal, and a lower risk of heart disease. Get long-term benefits including a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer and other cancers.

    Link Articles: Quit Smoking Today, FreshStart - Quit Smoking In One Hour, Stop Smoking Hypnosis - Doctor Recommended, No1 - FreshStart - Stop Smoking In One Hour, Cannabis Coach Quit Smoking Program


    Related Articles: Tobacco Information, Effects Of Smoking, 10 Health Benefits Of Stopping Smoking, Self Help Tips to Help you Stop Smoking, Methods of Quitting: Natural Solutions

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