Monday, September 27, 2010

The best tips for quitting smoking

Quitting is difficult but not impossible. Many smokers who have successfully quit smoking in a variety of different ways. Here are some tips to help you start a new page without a cigarette smoke.
  1. Understand your reasons to quit. Your decision to quit smoking is very good, but do you know why you do it? Common reasons such as "smoking is bad for health" is sometimes not enough. To make self-determination and strong motivation, you need a good reason and personal. For example, you may want to protect your family from dangerous toxins caused by cigarette smoke? Maybe you fear that lung cancer, or you want to look younger and feel healthier? Choose a strong enough reason for you to become a handle on when you face difficulties at a later date to stop smoking now.
  2. Select the appropriate therapy with your condition. You have heard of "cold turkey" long? This term is used for smokers who quit smoking in total and direct (not stream). Perhaps the way this sounds interesting, you just throw away all your cigarettes and represent that you have stopped smoking. Easy is not it? Make no mistake, the technique of "cold turkey" does not always work for everyone, because it is not easy to do. Among those who try to quit smoking without the help of therapy or treatment, as many as 95% eventually relapse to smoking. Remember, smoking addiction (addiction). Brain nicotine smokers need repeatedly to be able to concentrate properly. When there is no intake of nicotine from cigarettes (for smokers quit suddenly), nicotine withdrawal symptoms can occur, and it takes patience and a very strong motivation to fight.

Herbs or Drugs to Quit Smoking?

Quit Smoking Hub. Herbal quit smoking remedies are often preferred because they are natural and not drug-based. Herbs are preferred to drugs because herbs are not habit-forming or addictive but rather act as powerful nutritional supplements. Herbs are provided in their natural forms while drugs are extracts of the derivative herb. Herbs promote physical and mental well-being and are known to possess tremendous healing properties. Herbs today are the preferred source of health care for 80% of the world.

Herbs combined together contain better healing benefits than do herbs taken separately. Many herbal quit smoking remedies are composed of several herbs and not just one. The combination of herbs like passion flower (sedative), sarsparilla (anti-oxidant), cayenne pepper (disease prevention), peppermint (stimulant), bioperine (increases absorption abilities), burdock root (blood purifier), golden seal (improves digestion), Oregon grape (reduces liver toxins), dandelion root (improves urinary system) work together to cleanse and balance the body after years of cigarette smoking.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Smoking cessation

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Smoking cessation (colloquially quitting) is the process of discontinuing the practice of inhaling a smoked substance. Smoking cessation programs mainly target tobacco smoking, but may also encompass other substances that can be difficult to stop using due to the development of strong physical addictions or psychological dependencies resulting from their habitual use. This article focuses exclusively on cessation of cigarette smoking. However, the methods described may apply to cessation of smoking other substances.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Methods of Quitting: Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Stop Smoking Today | Your Complete Information & Resources Guide. People turn to many different stop smoking aids when they are trying to quit. In this day and age there are so many options and choices available that a person can become a bit overwhelmed and confused as to what might work best for them. One of these options is called nicotine replacement therapy (NRP)

What is it?

Methods of Quitting: Stop Smoking Medications

Stop Smoking Today | Your Complete Information & Resources Guide. There are several drugs on the market today that can effectively help anyone quit smoking. While some of these were specifically designed to help people quite, others originated as anti-depressant medications. Most of these come in pill form; however that’s not always the case.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular options.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Methods of Quitting: How to Quit Smoking With Laser Treatment

Stop Smoking Today | Your Complete Information & Resources Guide. Quitting smoking may be one of the hardest things you may have to do in your life. Perhaps you’ve tried everything from nicotine gum, to patches and even "cold turkey". Don’t worry; there is an exciting new addition to the modern world of fighting nicotine addiction which involves laser treatments. Perhaps you are wondering if there’s any truth behind the hype. Read on for some more information.

Methods of Quitting: Natural Solutions

Stop Smoking Today | Your Complete Information & Resources Guide. If you’re a smoker who wants to quite, there are so many options available on the market today. However most treatments, like nicotine gum or patches actually contain nicotine or drugs. Many times people are looking for a more natural solution. The good news is there are options available. The following are the most advanced natural methods that people use.

Herbal Remedies

While most traditional products like nicotine gum and the patch contain small amounts of nicotine, herbal treatments are designed to lower your cravings without the use of drugs of any kind. Not only that, but they can also help lessen the stress and irritability that usually happens to people who quit smoking.
The following are the best natural products available:
  • Avena Sativa: For centuries Indian healers have been using it to treat opium addiction. It also helps fight addiction to nicotine by helping people control the anxiety and depression that quitting causes.
  • Garcinia Cambogia: This natural appetite suppressant helps fight the urge people have to eat more while they are trying to quit smoking.
  • Gotu Cola: By naturally stimulating the brain and nervous system, it helps relieve the anxiety that’s caused by quitting.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Self-help tips to help you stop smoking

Choices Your health, your choices. If you want to stop smoking, you can make small changes to your lifestyle that may help you resist the temptation to light up.

Think positive
You might have given up before, but tell yourself that you’re really going to do it this time.

Make a plan to give up
Make a promise, set a date and stick to it. Don’t be put off by a wedding, party or other time when you’d normally smoke.

Change your diet
Is your after-dinner cigarette your favourite? A new American study has revealed that some foods, including meat, make cigarettes more satisfying. Others, including cheese, fruit and vegetables, make cigarettes taste terrible. So swap your usual steak or burger for a veggie pizza instead.

Monday, September 20, 2010

10 health benefits of stopping smoking

Choices Your health, your choices.  Smoking’s bad for your health, but exactly how does quitting make life better?

Better sex
Stopping smoking improves the body’s bloodflow, so improves sensitivity. Men who stop smoking may get better erections. Women may find that their orgasms improve and they become aroused more easily. It’s also been found that non-smokers are three times more appealing to the opposite sex than smokers (one of the advantages, perhaps, of smelling fresh).

Find out more tips for having good sex.

Improved fertility
Non-smokers find it easier to get pregnant. Quitting smoking improves the lining of the womb and can make men’s sperm more potent. Becoming a non-smoker increases the possibility of conceiving through IVF and reduces the likelihood of having a miscarriage. Most importantly, it improves the chances of giving birth to a healthy baby.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Effects of Smoking

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Smoking is a practice in which a substance, most commonly tobacco or cannabis, is burned and the smoke tasted or inhaled. This is primarily practised as a route of administration for recreational drug use, as combustion releases the active substances in drugs such as nicotine and makes them available for absorption through the lungs. It can also be done as a part of rituals, to induce trances and spiritual enlightenment. The most common method of smoking today is through cigarettes, primarily industrially manufactured but also hand-rolled from loose tobacco and rolling paper. Other smoking tools includes pipes, cigars, bidis, hookahs and bongs. It has been suggested that smoking related disease kills one half of all long term smokers but these diseases may also be contracted by non-smokers. A 2007 report states that about 4.9 million people worldwide each year die as a result of smoking.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tobacco Information

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as an organic pesticide and, in the form of nicotine tartrate, it is used in some medicines. It is most commonly used as a recreational drug, and is a valuable cash crop for countries such as Cuba, China and United States.

In consumption it most commonly appears in the forms of smoking, chewing, snuffing, or dipping tobacco, or snus. Tobacco has long been in use as an entheogen in the Americas. However, upon the arrival of Europeans in North America, it quickly became popularized as a trade item and as a recreational drug. This popularization led to the development of the southern economy of the United States until it gave way to cotton. Following the American Civil War, a change in demand and a change in labor force allowed for the development of the cigarette. This new product quickly led to the growth of tobacco companies, until the scientific controversy of the mid-1900s.

There are many species of tobacco in the plant genus Nicotiana. The word nicotiana (as well as nicotine) is in honor of Jean Nicot, French ambassador to Portugal, who in 1559 sent it as a medicine to the court of Catherine de Medici.

Because of the addictive properties of nicotine, tolerance and dependence develop. Absorption quantity, frequency, and speed of tobacco consumption are believed to be directly related to biological strength of nicotine dependence, addiction, and tolerance. The usage of tobacco is an activity that is practiced by some 1.1 billion people, and up to 1/3 of the adult population. The World Health Organization(WHO) reports it to be the leading preventable cause of death worldwide and estimates that it currently causes 5.4 million deaths per year. Rates of smoking have leveled off or declined in developed countries, however they continue to rise in developing countries.

Tobacco is cultivated similarly to other agricultural products. Seeds are sown in cold frames or hotbeds to prevent attacks from insects, and then transplanted into the fields. Tobacco is an annual crop, which is usually harvested mechanically or by hand. After harvest, tobacco is stored for curing, which allows for the slow oxidation and degradation of carotenoids. This allows for the agricultural product to take on properties that are usually attributed to the "smoothness" of the smoke. Following this, tobacco is packed into its various forms of consumption, which include smoking, chewing, sniffing, and so on.